Friday, October 7, 2011

With the Rain Comes Fall

Well, it's a beautiful day in the BYU neighborhood :) Yesterday was very wet and gray, but I immensely enjoyed running around in the downpour. My day was insane, working from 8 to 2, studying for my Italian midterm for an hour, taking said Italian midterm, then studying Geology for half an hour, taking the Geology midterm in 35 minutes (I got a 90%!!! Not bad for my first test this semester) then running home to touch up my make up and to grab a nicer coat to run out the door for dinner at 6 with my date for the BYU Spectacular! He took me to Olive Garden, which was very nice, and it was great to just sit and chat, which we haven't had a chance to do since our first date because the subsequent dates have been mostly going dancing. Ergo, not much talking. Then we rushed from dinner to make it on time for the Spectacular, which was, in a word, spectacular! The music was flawless and the energy was exhilarating. Danny unfortunately had to study for a test before bed, so he left me with a hug at the Blue Tango where I danced the night away! It was actually a lot more fun to be there without a date this week; I got to dance with almost everyone and just flirt and laugh to my heart's content. I got home around midnight, talked to my sister for a while, then finally laid down and got to sleep. Talk about a crazy, non-stop day!!

Thankfully, I got to sleep in for a bit this morning, and tonight I get to go to the Spectacular again with my dad! I'm so stoked.

Hope you enjoyed my long story :) Happy Official Fall!

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