Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Special Birthday Dedication

I'd like to dedicate this post to my two best friends: Megan and Erin Dempsey. They're twins that I've known since I moved to Colorado when I was 9, and it's been the best 10 years imaginable because they've been a part of my life. Here's a little blurb about why I love each of them :)

My dearest Megan, you have always understood me in a way that no one else has. We think very much alike and therefore seem to approach things very similarly and can teach each other through our parallel experiences. You bring out my vivacious, outgoing side, the side that can laugh as loudly as I possibly can, even if it means I snort a little bit...but I know you'd never blackmail me with that ;) I've been jealous since we were 9 of your gorgeous long hair, your soulful writing, and your ability to attract every man in the vicinity to worship at your feet. And somehow you managed to single out the right man in your world to rock it and you tear it up together. Thank you for always showing me that I'm worth it and that nothing can stand in my way. Thank you for never giving up on our friendship, even in the years when we weren't as close. Mostly, thank you for being you.

Sweetest Erin, you have been my rock. You have inspired me to get outside my comfort zone, to cut off all my hair, to rock being single even when it seemed like I was the only one I knew who was. You have the most infectious laugh, (which usually instigates the aforementioned snorting) and the cutest quirky smile I've ever seen. You have so much spunk and pizzazz, and so much passion for life. You and John have the sweetest love I've ever witnessed. You appreciate each other so much and you both know how lucky you are to have the other. I admire that kind of trust and deep devotion, and I hope I can achieve that level of understanding and simple love with someone someday. Thank you for always being interested in my life and wanting me in yours. Thank you for appreciating my blog, I can't wait to start reading yours!!!

To both of you, it's been an incredible 10 years, and I can't wait for all that the next 10 will bring. I admire you both so much and am grateful every single day to have you in my life. Hope your birthday's been rockin'! Love to you always, sisters.

P.S. I realized we don't have any recent pictures of the 3 of us together. We need to fix this ASAP.

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