Monday, October 31, 2011

100th Post!

This weekend was perfect in all of its Fall celebration with my family. My mom was in town so I spent the whole weekend with her at my brother's house with his his wife and 2 adorable children :) I just love these little pumpkin munchkins:

Happy Halloween!! It was a perfect way to welcome the fall to be with my favorite people in the world. There's nothing quite like family. 

P.S. My audition was an awesome experience! I didn't get accepted to the program, but I know better how to be prepared for next time. Special thanks to those who sent good wishes and prayers and love my way!

P.P.S. My blog is officially a year old! Kind of cool and pathetic that my 100th post falls today (pathetic because I feel like I should have way more posts after a whole year, but oh well, nice to have a goal for the coming year!) Thanks for being my faithful readers and caring about my life enough to stop by once in a while!


  1. Congrats on your 100th post Smee, your # of posts is awesome, and I'm so glad you're doing this! It brightens my day every time there's a new one. :)

    These photos are gorgeous!!!!

    :) love, bec

  2. Thanks for supporting me all the way through #100!! I'm so excited for what's to come.

    We missed you and Anika on the pumpkin run, but I'm glad you at least got to see the beautiful Russ pics!

