Monday, December 12, 2011

Job: Check

Remember when I said I was thinking about applying to be a model for the BYU art department? Well, I pursued the idea, had an interview this morning, and I got the job! The hours are kind of sporadic, but it's worth it to be doing something so cool. I've been giddy about it all day :)

Finals are upon me, but shouldn't be too terrible. I'm moving in 4 days and once I've sold my own contract, all my stress will be gone! The parents will be here next week, I'm going to the Nutcracker this Saturday with my sister and her daughter, and it feels like real snow is just around the corner. Oh Christmas time...

Life is just sunny and contented over here, glad you stopped in to check :)


  1. Thank you! I can't wait to tell you all about it :)

  2. I am SO happy you got that job, Smee, and I am very impressed at your lovely calm during finals, moving, all you have going on with church, etc!

    I'm excited to be with you at the Nutcracker in a few hours!! :)

