Friday, December 16, 2011

For the First Time in a Long Time

I'm a little bit twitterpated :) Last night, I met a guy at Blues. Said guy was very flirtatious and funny and wasn't afraid to break the touch barrier even when we weren't dancing. He stayed with me most of the time at Blues, just talking and laughing, then he offered me a ride home,which included a quick stop at Sonic for drinks since we had both danced pretty hard. The 'quick stop' turned into about at hour just sitting in the car laughing so hard we almost cried, talking about what causes brain freezes, our families, school, and other random things. One of the random things we talked at length about was the fact that he looks like this guy: 

For those of you who don't know, this is James Frain. You might know him from The Count of Monte Cristo or the TV show The Cape. Obviously, he is beautiful, in a kind of different way, which I really like. So yeah, Blues Guy is not a bad lookin' fellow. After the hour spent finding out we have a TON in common, we reluctantly took me home and had a very nice hug goodnight. He has my number, so we'll see what else happens :) 

I honestly can't remember the last time I met a guy and we just hit it off so well that on our first night together everything just clicked and felt so easy. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to when I'm smiling so much! Needless to say, I'll keep you posted. 

P.S. I'm taking my last final in 3 hours. AHHHH!!


  1. What awesome fun, Smee!! I am so glad you had such a delightful time!! And what a hot picture of James Frain, I LOVE him!

  2. I know, right?! He's so fine. Thanks for all your good advice and for being so excited with me!

