Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today I am thankful to be alive. To be me. To have my family all around me. To have it be HOT outside! To be held in the warmth and love of my home. To have the time to see my best friends in all the world. To be so loved.

Today I am thankful for mailboxes and letters. For late night whispered conversations that are close and intimate and warm. For the soft place just under my mom's ear where I can plant a little kiss. For gentle morning light and the freedom to roll over and snuggle down into the blankets. For the abundance of good food and laughter we have this year. For inspiration. For good books to keep me company on lonely nights. For the winter stars. For the words 'I love you.'

To world enough and time....


  1. What a beautiful, happy list! You transported me to your brain, Schmimm—a lovely place to be! :)


  2. Gratitude is such a beautiful expression of the human spirit. It's like a living mandala.

  3. I agree, gratitude is the best state to be in. What is a mandala?

    Thanks for loving my brain Becki! haha I love it too :)

  4. Mandalas are a form of sacred and healing art from various cultures. Here's more about them.

