Monday, November 28, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Blues

Yup. It's the Monday after Thanksgiving and life is pretty bleak. I have piles and piles of homework staring me in the face, which is making me feel overwhelmed and afraid of even starting. Oh the sneaky spiral of procrastination :( Also, I really enjoyed spending days on end with my awesome family and I hated leaving them. My mom called me twice yesterday and my dad called me too. Missing me much? Yeah, it was sweet. On the bright side, I'll see them in just a couple weeks for Christmas! I'll be all moved into my new place and life will be blissful (I hope)!

I listened to The Beatles this morning on my way to work, which was a particularly nice start to my day, especially since I'm just wearing a hoodie and jeans and don't feel very cute. Speaking of music, I'm clocked out at work, just using my computer and I can hear my boss humming along to the Christmas music he's playing in his cubicle. He's so endearing when he's humming :) I started listening to Christmas music while I was home, and it's got me in the mood! Is it sad that Christmas is only really exciting to me because it means I won't be in school anymore? I feel like that's kind of pathetic, but when you don't get a fall break or a spring break and only 2 weeks off for Christmas, that's pretty much what it boils down to. Regardless, 'tis the season, and I'm pretty stoked.


  1. Hooray for Christmas music, my favorite! :) I hope your piles of homework have decreased sweet Smee — hugs to you!!

  2. We've been listening to Christmas music now, too. With some of the trees still changing color, it seems like Halloween must still be around the corner. But it's Christmas that is coming!

    I remember as a student how Christmas time was sort of over-anticipated as the relief for the semester when you had to cram in all your non-school living as quickly as possibly. I hope your semester goes well and ends well. Good luck! ♥

  3. The last of the leaves finally fell off all the trees just this week--you're right it was kind of strange for it to still be fall colors in the wintery weather. The end of the semester's in sight! I hope it ends well too haha

