Wednesday, November 2, 2011

First Frost

Walking to school this morning, I noticed the whole ground looks like this:

All the fallen leaves are dusted in a silver frost, gluing them to the grass around them, little silver needles. Yesterday was the coldest day yet (and yes, my roommates still have the AIR CONDITIONING on. Heaven help me) and today looks like it'll be another cold one. Thank goodness for my new robe and raspberry cheesecake hot chocolate to keep me warm in the mornings. 


  1. Hooray for all these new posts! I SO love your appreciation of nature!!

    I'm glad you are staying warm and snuggly in spite of the cold crazies — can't wait to snuggle your short little head again soon.


  2. Snuggling is the best!! Thanks for giving me a little one at the Sunday dinner :) It was so nice to be with everyone so soon after our birthday party. We have the best family in the world.

