Monday, November 7, 2011

Late Night Best Friends

Remember my awesome friend Kalyn? If not, scroll down a little and you will see her featured in my Halloween photos. Kalyn just came over to save me from a lonely night, even though it was almost 11pm and we were both tired. I needed someone to snuggle with, and there was no one, so she sweetly volunteered! We made raspberry cheesecake hot chocolate, laughed a lot (which I needed more than I realized), and she took me to Smith's since my roommates didn't think to ask me if I needed to go when they went earlier tonight and it was already too dark/cold to ride my bike. Egg nog and chocolate oranges are now on sale, so we pampered ourselves by gleefully buying the latter and sharing it on the way home :)

Sometimes a girl just needs a best friend on a lonely Monday night. And sometimes that friend witnesses the purposeful thievery of a Smith's little black shopping basket ;) (said shopping basket will be returned asap, and was only stolen because there were no bags at the self check-out)

So tell your late night best girl friend you love her if you haven't in a while. You never know, you might just make her day!


  1. I love you Kimber :] Hot chocolate, laughing and petty theft with you is always the best!

  2. Thanks love! It obviously meant a lot to me :)

  3. If you ever need a ride shopping just give me a call. I don't live that far away.

  4. lol true! I appreciate the offer and may very well take you up on it.

