Friday, November 18, 2011

Blues Dancing Take 2

I've been going blues dancing every Thursday for about 2 months now and I can officially say, I'm addicted. It doesn't matter how tired I am, how early I have to get up the next morning, if I'm sick, or if I don't have anyone to go with; when 9:30 pm rolls around I'm there. Something in my body just won't let me say no! But hey, I'm not complaining, it's the best addiction I can think of. I learn something new every week even if I only dance with guys I know. Speaking of guys I know, it's so great to have guys starting to remember my name and asking me to dance because they know I'm good. I just love that feeling.

There was a new guy there last night who I thought was particularly attractive and who danced/talked with me for 4, yes 4, songs in a row. That was a first :)

Looking forward to the weekend: I get to go Latin dancing tonight, which I haven't done in forever since blues has taken over my Thursday nights, which used to be my time for Latin. I also get to go the BYU danceEnsemble show on Saturday night, which should be amazing. I'll maybe get some extra sleep somewhere in there and then I'll be a very happy camper :) Happy Friday and cheers to whatever adventures you're having this weekend!

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