Monday, September 5, 2011


I watched The Notebook with my roommate Sam last night, and it made me think a lot about romance. I'm in this place right now where I can't really imagine a guy being totally flipped for me. I mean, I can imagine it in a very future-ish way, but not in a here-and-now kind of way. I feel like I'm always putting more into relationships than I'm getting back, and I hate that feeling. I want to be totally swept off my feet by someone who thinks I'm just fabulous. Because, let's face it, I am!

I want a guy to look at me with googly eyes and a silly grin. I want someone who will keep the little promises, the ones made late at night when you're not really sure if you're serious about it, but you take it seriously anyway. I want to be able to play; to shove ice cream in each others faces or lay in the street and watch the lights change late at night, or dance to no music. I want surprise candle-light dinners, and flowers on the pillow next to me when I wake up in the morning. I want notes on the bathroom mirror, and blanket forts that last all weekend. I want to look at each other when we're old and gray and still think we each got the better end of the deal. I want romance, people. Romance.

