Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Second First Day of School

The only annoying thing about having different classes every day in college is that you have to have 2 first days of school. Which means you have to pick 2 cute outfits, not have next-day hair, and not stay up too late the night before the second day of school. Well, I somehow managed to break all of those rules--except maybe the outfit one, mine turned out ok today. But I woke up late because I stayed up too late talking to my new roommate Sam, so I didn't get to shower, which means I had next-day hair. I also got a visit from Aunt Flow this morning, so that just added to the befuddled mess I've been all day.

On the up-side, I've liked all of the classes I've had today; my Geology teacher is really funny, and my Polynesian Dance class is going to be amazing and I only have one more, which is Creative Writing, so that can't be too terrible. AND I get to go dancing tonight with James :) That will make this whole day worth while.

Hope everyone else has had a good second first day of school :)


  1. Hooray, Smee, I'm so glad to see new posts here!!! I'd given up checking for a while. :) Your musings about the "second first day" are so funny! I can't wait to hear more about your Polynesian Dance class, that sounds awesome.

  2. Thanks Roodle! School's going really well, and my Polynesian dance class is definitely one of the most exciting.

    I know I've been MIA for the last little bit, things have been crazy and there hasn't been a whole lot to blog about. Plus, since my computer blew up, it's harder to find time to come up with something beautiful to write. But I promise to be better through September! Keep checking back :) I treasure your comments so much!

