Friday, March 11, 2011

Dreams and Other Nonsense

I've been having really strange dreams in the last few days, and I can't figure out why. Take last night: I dreamed I was trying to find my ballet shoes and found them all soaked in blood (I think my brother had a bloody nose earlier in the dream and I hadn't realized he was bleeding all over my ballet slippers.) I woke up more than a little weirded out to say the least. At the same time, I woke up very happy because MY CRAZY ROOMMATE MOVED OUT!!!!!! I feel like I should write a book telling the incredible saga of my insane roommate. I know everyone has to have at least one crazy roommate, but I'm hoping she's the last one I'll have to deal with. So my other roommates and I are having a cleaning party tomorrow to celebrate :)

Last weekend my roommates won a free suite at the Real stadium in Sandy for the BYU vs U of U rugby game and got to bring 15 friends, so I got to go to my first rugby game! Let me tell you, it's my new favorite sport (which is saying something because I've never had a favorite sport haha) It's so much easier to understand than football and it's a little more exciting than soccer, and the guys are pretty hot, so it's just an awesome package! If you haven't ever watched rugby, do it and let me know what you think.

I get to have a morning off of work now since I can work a little extra in the afternoons now that I don't have Italian anymore. It's amazing what a little extra sleep once a week can do for you. Still trying to decide what morning I want to have regularly off...

Lastly, I am really missing Robert. For those of you who are recent followers/recent friends, Robert is the missionary I'm writing. He's serving in Tempe, AZ and has been out about 8 months. Up to now I've missed him some, but it's always been manageable and just sort of pangs every now and then. But for the last few days it's been an ache. There are so many things I want to tell him about, share with him and see with him, and it all can't be expressed in letters. The time has gone by quickly and slowly all at once, and I know it will get easier again to not think about it so much, but for now...I'm just missing him.

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