Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dance Revolution

The last few weeks have been jam-packed with non-stop dance experiences for me. Of course, I dance every day for about 2 hours, if not more, and that brings me so much joy. I love getting to explore and stretch my body in so many different ways. I also go to the free salsa club at school on Tuesdays and I try to go country swing dancing as often as possible. So that's all the regular stuff.
Recently: I went to the Dance Ensemble concert last weekend which was comprised of a bunch of different student compositions ranging from using trampolines to imitating the inner workings of a machine. I was so impressed with every dancer and the incredible creativity and commitment put into the whole thing. Last night, I got the chance to see the Martha Graham Dance Company here at BYU. Now, you need to understand, this is the best modern dance company in the world. Yeah, the world. And I saw them at BYU for $2. Score! You usually pay upwards of $60 to see them in New York or London, that's what a big deal this is. Needless to say, it was amazing. The first half was a little weird, but it was beautiful and interesting. If you don't know who Martha Graham is, do yourself a favor and do 5 minutes of research on her (don't be surprised if you end up spending about an hour, you won't be able to stop yourself!) She was one of the major modern dance pioneers, she founded her company in the 1920s and only died recently. She spent 70 years choreographing and performing. This is her:

She is my new hero. She started dancing seriously when she was 22--very late for a dancer, and was told she was too short and too old. But she proved every critic wrong and surpassed anyone that had come before her. Her movement is all about emotion...pain, ecstasy, beauty, fear, passion. She created an entirely new language of expression that is strange and intense and beautiful. Ah, I am in love. Here are some pictures of her dancing:

P.S. I promise to be better about posting more regularly!

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