Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blah Wednesday....

Today is kind of I thought I'd spice it up by blogging.

10 random things I'm thinking about today: 1) I'm having a terrible hair day and I didn't want to wear my glasses, but I had to cuz I was having trouble with my contacts this morning and I was already running late. 2) The weather is frustrating because it's yucky without the excuse of raining, so there's nothing good at all about the yuck. 3) I'm done complaining. 4) I get to go home in 16 days!!! 5) I'm expecting a package tomorrow from my awesome mother that she sent me for my birthday :) 6) I'm thinking about buying myself a nice-ish camera for my birthday. 7) Our fridge is almost completely covered with wedding announcements. Wow. 8) I'm really enjoying figuring out new things to do with my short hair! 9) My blog is all beautified for summer :D 10) Only 3 days til my birthday!!!!


  1. Your new blog look is beautiful, Smee! I love the happy, mellow, summery colors — the new pictures on the side are delicious! ... you have a lovely artistic eye.

    I'm glad you're being birthdayed by everyone — 19 is the most fun age!!!! I remember being exactly that age and having the fridge covered with wedding announcements. It's kind of beezy. :)

  2. :) I'm so glad you like the new look. I am so excited about it, I'm about to pop! I want everyone I know to see it and love it as much as I do haha. Thank you for thinking I'm artistic, I really do try--and finding those new side pictures took forever!! But it was so worth the time spent.

    I'm so excited about my birthday, and everyone has been so great :) I'm going to call Kindee tonight to see about a dinner sometime soon with the fam! I love you! Thank you for loving me and my blog :D

