Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Apartment Smells Like Fish

So I came home from Thanksgiving with my parents in Colorado last night and when I walked into my apartment, it smelled disgustingly of fish. Now, we do have a fish (named Chula) in the apartment, but she's never smelled up the place like that before!! I figured it must be whatever food my roommates gave her before they left so that she wouldn't die, but I couldn't imagine it would smell that bad! So I busted out the Fabreeze and sprayed the whole place, which sort of helped, but not really. Long story short, it's better today, but it was an interesting night haha. (Oh, and we figured out it wasn't our little Chula, it was the fish my roommate cooked a few days ago that she put down the sink and I guess whatever cleaning she did didn't quite cover it.)

For those of you who have noticed that my blog is different, I got my inspiration from the movie The Fountain. If you haven't seen it, you need to do so as soon as possible. It's pretty abstract and takes a few viewings to really understand it, but it is one of my all time favorites and continues to inspire me every time I see it or even think about it. It's sort of centered on a search for the Tree of Life, which looks a little bit like the picture at the top as it's depicted in the movie. Oh man, I can't even express how much I love that movie---it's chock-full of food for thought and really makes you think about reality, which of course is what my blog is all about!!

Well, I wish everyone a very happy post-Thanksgiving Sunday and a wonderful start to the week!

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