Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

I am constantly amazed by the power of music. It can lift you up out of the deepest heartache, move you to tears...make things stir inside you in places you didn't know existed in your own body. Music is creation to me. I love the scene in The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis when Aslan creates Narnia by singing. The children, watching, can hear the different things he's creating in the notes he sings: deep, resonating notes for the trees, light, cascading notes for the waterfalls and streams and flowers. That's how I always imagined God creating the world: with music. The scriptures talk about angels singing when they rejoice--that the sound of rejoicing is music, not just shouting as loudly as possible.

I've mentioned before that I almost constantly have music playing. Currently, I'm listening to Black Balloon by the Goo Goo Dolls...truly one of my very favorite songs. There's something about it that almost always fits whatever mood I'm in. It's gray and blue and rain and soul all mixed into one song. I love the Goo Goo Dolls, especially lately.

Tonight, I get to sing in a choir for the first time since the spring. We're singing at a church fireside, with all of this incredible Thanksgiving themed music. That's the best kind in my opinion, because it's all about praising the Lord and all of the beautiful, plentiful blessings he has given us and being thankful for the bounteous Earth we live on. I'm so excited to be back in a choir, even if just for one night, I have missed singing so much.

I'm so thankful for the beautiful music that fills my life, whether it's actual music or the music of people's hearts and souls that vibrate in the air. Everyone has a melody, all they have to do is reach deep and let it out.

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