Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

This is one of my very favorite pictures of Christ; it embodies everything I most deeply feel about Him: that he is loving and tender, and always has a hand extended down to us to lift us up out of the raging rivers of sorrow or fear or temptation.

I have felt Christ particularly close to me in the past couple of weeks as I've been thinking about a lesson we had in church a couple weeks ago that I haven't been able to get out of my head. I don't even remember what the lesson was about, but the teacher was talking about the love of Christ and how He will wipe away our tears. She asked us to think about a time we've wiped tears off of someone else's face, even if it was just a baby, and how that felt. We talked about what an intimate, tender gesture that is, to be so close to someone physically when they are in some kind of pain. I couldn't help then to imagine Christ physically wiping tears off of my brought me to tears right there in the lesson just thinking about it. I'd heard the phrase "Christ will wipe away every tear" but I had never actually imagined what it would feel like to have Him touch my face and look into my eyes and with that look and tender touch bring me peace. That feeling has stuck with me in the weeks since, and I've been wanting to tell people about it, so this seemed the appropriate time and place.

I know that Christ is always there to comfort us and lift us up when we fall into dangerous waters. All we have to do is reach up, and take His hand.

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