Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I want to be a dance therapist. I've known since I was a little girl that I wanted to be in some kind of therapy, and I've always loved dance--it's always come very naturally to my body. And in the last year I found that putting the two together would be the perfect career path for me.

I was talking tonight with my dad and I was telling him about my latest development for my dance therapy idea: couples therapy/marriage therapy in dance. I think the idea was always in the back of my mind but I was never sure how to manifest it or make it a reality. But that's what this blog is all about, the reality of my imagination!

The reason partnered dance therapy is so perfect is because you're connecting to someone on every level of attraction, or even just every level of connection you can have with another person. You're connecting mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, creatively... It's amazing! I knew I wanted to do dance therapy in the first place because of what dancing with a parter did to my own life. I was going through a major depression and the only thing that kept me sane was dancing with my partner Matt. I knew I had that outlet with him where I was safe and beautiful and creative, I had someone close to me who understood me on all those levels. And it saved my life.

Dance is something that allows you to create this organic light, and it's especially beautiful when you get to make that with another person. Dancing has changed my life, and continues to change me as I move through my butterfly phase :) I love every minute of it.


  1. This is such a great idea. I love your personal example and experience with partnered-dance healing. As a psychotherapist....I think about the opportunities for you, as the dance-therapist, to notice with couples how the problems in their up on the dance floor. For example: Not valuing the other persons role. Insensitivity to the other persons subtle cue's. One partner being dominant. etc.....
    I'm so glad you're doing this blog kimber. What a wonderful outlet for your thoughts and talent with writing. All my love...Monica

  2. Thank you for understanding exactly how I feel in this. I'm so excited to put these thoughts into action and to see where my dance therapy path leads me! And thanks for reading my blog and commenting!! it makes me so happy!! Love you lots and lots

