Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

It's been an interesting week.

My emotions have been all over the place, and I'm not really sure how to express them in the right way. I'm missing home for the first time...mostly my mom. I miss her hugs and just having her around. Seeing my aunt, who looks like my mom, has made me miss her even more. I miss Matt, my best friend in the entire world. I need his solidity and his bubbly love. 

On the other hand, this week has been full of social activity and it just flew by!! We had a huge party for all 3 of my roommates, who all have birthdays in October, and my cousin had her mission farewell today, so I saw a lot of family.

....overall, a roller-coaster week.

1 comment:

  1. Smee,I love your blog! It's delightful to see your artistic expression, your elegant tastes, and your feelings of joyful wing-stretching in this stage of your life.

    Where do you find such perfect pictures? You are a talented blogger! I am really excited to see your red hair in a few weeks —you know I love redheads.

    I was feeling great admiration and love for your wisdom as I read your thoughts about couples dance therapy — the world is super blessed to have you in it, Smee — you will make a significant difference in many lives, as you already do.

    Stupendous (I love that word, it's like you're about to say stupid and then it magically turns into a compliment) Matt (I adore Matt!) and Mom are very missable, and I know exactly what you mean about seeing Tina, I've had that feeling many times myself. :) I'm so glad you are enjoying time with your awesome roommates and with the fam. (I'm sad I missed Laura's farewell and was thinking of all of you that day).

    Anika and I send buckets of love to you every single day.


