Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little Things I Love

When you reach for a drink that you thought was empty, only to discover there's still some left.
The kind of thunder that shakes the whole house.
Letters in the mail.
Old people holding hands.
The smoothness of freshly shaved legs.
Laughing until you cry.
My family. More than anything.
Waking up to sunshine, and also having sun well into the evening.
Bright sticky notes.
Places like Lollipop Lane.
Having time to eat breakfast slowly and languidly.
The smell of camp fire.

And...my short hair. Which I've been promising pictures of for ages, I know. A decent one finally got taken, and I'll include a not-so-awesome one just because you can see the hair cut well. Enjoy :)


  1. YOUR HAIR! Ahh that is such a cute look on you! Also, love your list. A lot [:

  2. Thanks Hannah!! It looks like you've had so much fun in Hawaii, I'm soooo jealous!

  3. You look smmmmoking hot in that white dress, and your hair is so chic and gorgeous short — and with your long earrings, wow, it's super hot!! :)

    I absolutely love your "list of little things" (only I like pastel sticky notes and I don't know what Lollipop Lane is) :) :)

    You captured such wonderful sensory images and memories! Imagine if you had newly shaved legs (and freshly painted toenails, one of my other favorite things :) and you were sitting beside a campfire in the gentle sunshine laughing until you cried. What a perfect moment that would be!

    It's usually my sisters who make me laugh until I cry ... family is, definitely, the best, and I am so glad you are mine, Schmimm! xoxoxoxoxo

  4. Becki--you are the best :) I'm so glad you enjoyed my pictures and list of happy things. Lollipop Lane is a street I discovered while updating addresses at work and I loved the idea that it actually existed somewhere!
    Family is THE BEST and I wouldn't trade having you in mine for the whole world :) I love you muchly!!

