Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Finally Back in Action!

My apologies to anyone, besides me, who cares that I was MIA almost all of break. Here are 10 things that either happened over break or that are just tumbling around in my head:
1) I LOVE my new house! I just can't get over how different and wonderful it is to be here and not in my old apartment. There are adjustments, for sure, but in the grander scheme, it couldn't be better.
2) I got sicker than I can remember ever being, on Christmas Day no less, and I got to be the recipient of such tender love from my brother and my mom in particular as my sweet family took care of me. As my sister put it, "You puked out all your brains, so then you had to re-grow them." Yup, it pretty much went exactly like that. After I was done throwing up I spent the next 3 days in and out of consciousness.
3) I love where my relationship is with Nathan. For the first time, I'm not worrying myself sick about where things are going or what he's thinking or why we're not officially dating. I'm completely at ease and just happy to have him in my life, however he's meant to be there.
4) My bikini for my new modeling job came in the mail today!! It's a simple black little number, nothing fancy, but I actually look/feel good in it (something I was a little nervous about.) I can't wait to start working!
5) Nathan lent me a book called The Maze Runner over break, which I finished the other day, happy to have read an actual book! It feels like it's been forever since I've done that. I can't wait to read the 2nd one.
6) I started reading Eat, Pray, Love yesterday. I read it once a few years ago, but it feels like I'm reading it for the first time. I think I was too young when I read it before and now it's way more applicable to what's happening in my life. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I find myself constantly wanting to call someone to read them whole passages, it's so well written.
7) As I've looked back at the last year, I've seen that it was an amazing year of personal growth. I feel like I finally came into myself as an independent, grounded woman. As strange as it sounds, cutting my hair was a huge part of that process, as well as having my financially independent summer. There were times when I was unbearably lonely, but I also have made some of my dearest friends in the last year. I don't know this new Kimber very well yet, but I like her a lot so far :)
8) Tomorrow is the first day of school, and even though break wasn't nearly long enough, I'm actually really looking forward to this semester. I'm taking a creative non-fiction writing class that I'm stoked about, and I'm also in the next level of Contemporary dance, which makes me very happy.
9) We (as in the 3 of us new girls in the house) met our male next door neighbors last night and hung out with one of them again today. It seems like our two houses will get along quite nicely.
10) Lastly, I love my new roommates, particularly the other 2 new girls. The 3 of us have been hanging out since they got here yesterday and I foresee us becoming fast friends :) I love finally living with girls who are like me. How different that will be!

Well, I have to get up early for school tomorrow, so sweet dreams :)


  1. Yay! I am so happy that everything is going so awesome [yay for awesome roommies and boys!] - post pics of your house [i'm dying to see it!] xx

  2. Thank you so much Leslie!! I totally need to take pictures of my house, you're right. But I hate the dumb little point-and-shoot I have cause I don't feel like it does anything any kind of artistic justice. Maybe I can borrow someone's camera that's better and get some good pics.

