Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Girl Version of Bob Marley

So this past weekend was basically one of the best weekends this summer. Remember how I made a super awesome girl friend a couple weeks ago? Well, if you don't remember, her name is Linsey and she was the other girl that came on our spontaneous road trip to California. She and I just clicked from hour one and we've been hanging out a bunch ever since. We were at my sister Mel's house last Thursday and Linsey mentioned that she's always wanted dread locks; several of the people living with Mel have dreads and invited us to come back on Sunday so they could help her do them. So that's what we did!! Here are a couple pictures of our dread lock experience:

The beautiful Linsey :)

All the lovely "dreaders." Mel, Jackie, and me! (Mel has a freaking pool!! Hence my super cute swim suit ;) )

It was so fun learning how to do dreads and to bond with each other over Linsey's beautiful head. I didn't realize we didn't have a picture of the finished product, but suffice it to say, she looked like a really hot girl version of Bob Marley. Everyone in the house contributed either time doing a few dreads or a few trinkets to weave into her hair. It's tradition I guess to get beads and rings and other decorations for your dreads as gifts because then they mean something to you. I really liked that idea; Mel and I gave her a couple of cool dangley earrings to weave in, Jackie gave her a big bead, Michael braided in a pretty green string (that's what Linsey is holding out in the second picture) and a lovely rose stud. 

Talk about a wonderful summer Sunday :)


  1. Oh my gosh that looks great! I've wanted to do dreads for a while. But I only want to have them for like a month and then take them out and have my hair be normal again. Hah, fat chance. When Linsey takes them out let me know how it goes because if her hair isn't too damaged I might want to try it :)

  2. well, you don't really "take them out" they're pretty permanent. The only way to not have them anymore is really just to shave/buzz your head haha. If there is another way to do it, I haven't heard of it. But you never know, shaving your head could just be another part of the whole adventure! You would look super cute with dreads :)

