Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lessons From the Universe

For the first time in a very long time, I got to sit down and read a book all in one sitting. I woke up this morning, had some breakfast, then promptly got back in bed and read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho (which, if you haven't read it, you need, yesterday.) I've read it at least 3 times before, but every time I read it again, it's as if it's for the first time. I've never had another book read that way. Even though I know what's going to happen, somehow it's either been long enough or the story is so complicatedly simple that it's a completely fresh experience. It's a story about pursuing your dreams, following the omens, and learning the Language of the World. Like I said: complicatedly simple.

As I read this time, thoughts and memories came up in my mind, showing me a few lessons the universe has been putting in my path over the last little while. The foremost of those lessons was that dreams are important. As children, each of us has dreams, goals and aspirations that resonate within us, all the way to our souls, and the world looks beautiful and full of possibility and hope. But then, as we grow, the color of the world gets darker and our dreams start to seem impossible, so we often give up. But the moment the choice is made to listen to our inner child, everything in our world conspires together for our good, the dream awakens, and we are set on a path. I've been thinking about making some pretty radical changes in my life, but I've been afraid to fully plunge in, for fear that everything will go wrong or that I am pursuing the wrong path. But then today, everything felt right. It is scary to dive off the cliff and do something completely different than I expected or what has been expected of me, but I realized everything is falling into place to help me get exactly what I want.

The other lesson that has come up a lot lately that I wanted to mention was to immediately listen to impressions from the Spirit. God is always listening and can therefore tell when one person needs something from someone else. I LOVE getting to be that someone else. I also love the moments when I can recognize my innermost needs being met through another person. Sometimes it's a smile, a text, or a conversation with a stranger while waiting for a train. It's all God's love, and we should be anxiously listening for both the chance to give and to receive it.

Final thought from The Alchemist: Everything is written by the same hand. Everything is one. Isn't that a comforting thought?

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