Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Eleven Things:
1. My favorite place in the house is in front of the heater. 
2. I went on 2 dates in one day with the same guy. Impossible you say? Nope, totally happened. 
3. Cheese on toast is my new favorite treat. 
4. I need to find housing for fall. Kinda missed the boat on that...oops
5. My goal for the summer is to only read high-level literature. I'm tired of all the fluff. 
6. I'm way more excited than I should be for Hunger Games this week.
7. Hot chocolate and good company can fix almost anything.
8. I have the most supportive roommates ever. Be jealous. 
9. I want Howard Shore to write the score for my life. 
10. I can't wait for the butterflies that will come with the spring. 
11. I love recommending books and watching people experience their magic for the first time. 

Questions from Brittany:
1. If you could have a cat or a dog (but not both) which would it be? Neither. Dogs bark and poop too much and I'm allergic to cats. But I don't mind when other people have dogs, then they're their problem. 
2. What is one personality trait of yours that you are glad you possess? I don't usually judge people for the way they choose to live. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. 
3. What is one physical trait of yours that you are glad you possess? I love my short hair. 
4. Would you rather sleep in or wake up early? I wish I liked to wake up early, I love the quiet time with the morning light when everything is quiet...but sleeping in is such a simple joy. 
5. Do you have any weird quirks? I eat handheld foods (like sandwiches, cookies, burgers etc.) upside-down.
6. If time and money were not an object, what job would you like to have? I would LOVE to be a wedding planner.
7. What do you find yourself doing in your free time? Reading, sleeping, or talking on the phone. 
8. Would you like to live in a big city or a small town? I want to live in a big city so badly. Please, oh please, let me move to San Francisco tomorrow.
9. If you were famous, what would you want to be famous for? (Singing, acting, whatever.) I've always wanted to be quoted. Like to have said something that people quote to each other to pass along strength or a little wisdom. 
10. What is one habit you would like to break? Staying up late just because sleeping feels like a waste of time.
11. What is one habit you would like to form? To write letters to people on a regular basis. 

My Questions for You:
1. If time/money were not an issue, where in the world would you spend 6 months?
2. What are you doing right now to change the world, even in the smallest way?
3. What is the book that you snuggle down with on a rainy day?
4. If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? 
5. Who taught you how to ride a bike?
6. What is the most important thing you learned from your mother/father?
7. When was the last time you cried?
8. What are some of your everyday pleasures?
9. Do you have a bucket list? If so, name 3 things on it. If not, make one. I dare you. 
10. What is something you've always been good at? 
11. What talent would you like to develop?

I'm tagging everyone.

Write 11 random things.
Answer my 11 questions.
Write 11 new questions.
Tag someone else.

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