Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Life As I Know It

This is how I feel right now:

Basically, I have 4 papers to write before Wednesday, and one of them is a 6 page research paper. Needless to say, it's my own fault that I have so much work to do because I definitely procrastinated a little :/ On the upside, it's only 3 days of crazy and then it will be over, one way or another. 

As far as the rest of my life goes, I have been dancing more than ever, particularly the 24 hours of Friday and Saturday this weekend. I had two jazz labs, a ballet lab, my normal dance classes, and 3 hours of ballroom dancing Friday night with James at Studio 600. It was all amazing, and my body responded surprisingly well. 

I went to the doctor for the first time since moving out, which made me feel oddly grown up. I'm so used to going with my mom, but now I'm a full blown adult who can go to the doctor all by herself! (I've had this annoying cough lingering from the cold I got a couple weeks ago, and it's driving me crazy. The doctor said it was just staying after the virus I had and all I could do was take Musinex (sp?) and hope it went away.)

SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER!!! Thanks goodness. See you all in 3 days. Promise. 


  1. Thank you so much for making me laugh out loud today!! This beezed cat is so perfectly expressive of a frazzled Smee. If you need help editing your papers, I'm here for you!

    Mucinex really does help (I loved hearing about your grown-up feeling of going to the doctor.)

    You are a smashing dancer — it's fabulous that you find so much joy and freedom in using your strong, powerful, glorious body!!

    Loving you my dear Kimber.

  2. :D thank you Becki!! I'm glad you liked that picture as much as I did. Reading this in the middle of all my craziness really made my night. Thank you for always appreciating me and for reading my blog. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you!

  3. Random Kimber spotting today! Haha. It was fun seeing you for those brief seconds! I hope life has calmed down for you & that you get to relax soon. I really do admire your confidence and the way you approach life. You're pretty neato. [: Good luck with your finals!

