Monday, February 14, 2011

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

I actually hate that Jack Johnson song that I got my title from, but it was an appropriate title, so for those of you who like that song, Happy Valentine's Day :)

Sitting-- I'm sitting in the big open window of Omar's Rawtopia Living Cuisine, where my beautiful sister Melanie works, listening to John Mayer very loudly and enjoying the sunshine. The restaurant is closed on Sundays but Mel has to be here while the repair man does his thing, so here we sit. I have also done a lot of sitting on buses and trains on my way here to Salt Lake from Provo, and can I just say, I love trains. (well, we're talking light-rail kind of train here) I love speeding through the country-side, watching the houses and landscapes change as we hurtle along. Yesterday, instead of sitting, Melanie and I walked what felt like about 7 miles in total with all the different places we went, and we missed the last bus home by 4 minutes so at about 10pm we walked 20 blocks home. With my laptop in my backpack it was not the most comfortable walk ever, but I would walk forever just to spend time with my sister :)

Waiting--I seem to be in a constant state of waiting: waiting for letters from Robert, for checks to go through, for a good time to call someone back, for a certain someone to ask me on a date...I'm always waiting for something. I'd like to learn to get out of that, to really and truly enjoy the moment I'm in. I feel like I do this fairly well, but I'd like to do it better.

Wishing-- "A dream is a wish your heart makes..." "When you wish upon a star..." "I'm wishing...for the one I find!" (Name all those Disney quotes!) All those songs are easy ones for me to get stuck in my head. I wish for a lot of things, like that my crazy roommate would just go away, that I understood God's purpose in making me be alone for over a year, that there were more hours in the day, or that airplane tickets were cheaper. But wishing never really does anyone any good.

Sorry it took me til Monday to post this, since I wrote it on Sunday, but I hope you enjoy :)


  1. I've been sitting, waiting and wishing too! Ha Ha. Life is like this and sometimes it is hard, but at the same time it is so beautiful! I love you Cuz! We need to hang out sometime soon again.

  2. Thanks Spencer! I love you too. Let's plan a day to go to the temple again!

