Sunday, March 31, 2013

An Easter Update

Well folks, it appears that all the uncomfortableness of last week was leading up to a profound learning experience: being single again. Things hadn't been quite the same between Abram and I in the 3 weeks since seeing each other, so it wasn't completely unexpected, but of course it was painful and not what I wanted.

So, it has now been a week, and I just have to say that I am incredibly blessed. I had so much immediate support in any way that I needed it, which was an amazing show of just how many close friends I have and how much they care about me. I feel so lucky to have also been blessed with the gift of perspective, even on the day it happened. There is, of course, still sadness and hurt, but more than anything I feel empowered and hopeful for the next beautiful thing that is waiting for me, and I am full of gratitude for my relationship with Abram, which was perfect for what it was and completely changed my life for the better. 

It's so fitting that today is Easter in all the gratitude I am feeling and I'm glad I have an excuse to be publicly vocal about it. I have spent a lot of time on my knees in the last week, and there is no question that there was someone listening, giving me answers and peace. I know that there are many unseen forces working together in my life for good, and that every day is one more step on a path that He already sees and is just as excited as I am to be there with me through all the growing and beauty to come. 


  1. You are such a beautiful, wonderful person, Kimber. This whole post was just full of hope. Thanks for that [:

    1. Thanks Hannah!! Happy Easter and happy spring, the season of new things :)

