Monday, January 21, 2013

On Being a Girl with a Boyfriend

Ok, so I'm kind of failing at my New Years resolution to post more, but I've been overwhelmed with how much there is to say and how little time I've had to compose my thoughts. So here's a quick update!

Biggest news: I officially have a boyfriend!! His name is Abram, and as I mentioned in my last post, it's been quite a while in the making, so it's really lovely to have it finally be official. Neither of us have been in an actual, labeled relationship in quite a few years, so saying it out loud is still a little weird for both of us, but I, for one, couldn't be enjoying it more.

Spending time in California with him over the break was incredible, and just what we needed to figure out where we wanted our relationship to be headed. It was so nice to be together in real time, doing everyday things, just being together without having to worry about anything else. We had many wonderful adventures going to the city, dancing the nights away, watching the sun set over the beach in Santa Cruz, eating an inordinate amount of Thai food, braving public transportation, bringing in the new year alone at the top of a parking garage, and making the most of his first Broadway experience. But it was the quiet moments that were the most precious: holding hands in the car in contented silence, keeping each other on task in the grocery store, being held in his arms while I talked to my mom on the phone, cooking/dancing in the kitchen, praying over our meals, stolen kisses when no one was looking...

Needless to say, it was a wonderful, well-spent 11 days. But now we are facing at least 4 months apart again. I'm trying to finish up school at BYU, and he is obviously living and working in Cali, so we're stuck for the time being. I'm doing everything in my power to figure out how to move out there in May or June, but of course there are a lot of complicated factors in trying to make that happen. But where there's a will, there's a way, I have no doubt about that. Long distance definitely isn't easy, but we're doing our best, and so far it hasn't killed us so I'm hopeful that everything will continue to go well.

Thanks for stopping by and caring about the goings on in my little life. Here's a picture of us with the sunset over the beach in Santa Cruz:

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